Malibu Wellness Ranch

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Finding Quality Substance Use Disorder Treatment With Medicaid Insurance

Substance use disorders (SUDs) occur when the use of alcohol or drugs causes significant problems for a person in their life. These problems most commonly involve the person’s health, relationships with loved ones, and ability to fulfill their daily obligations. Seeking treatment and finding the right treatment program for SUD is a personal commitment for each person.

Thousands of treatment programs can help a person struggling with a substance abuse problem. While they all share common elements, no two programs are the same. They are designed to be specific to a person’s needs and values. Finding the right treatment center for you is important to your success in changing your life.

Because there are so many different options available for SUDs, it can be hard to know how to make the right choice. There are a lot of different things to consider when seeking treatment. Sometimes a helpful first step is to take a close look at your specific goals, mental and physical needs, values, and interests. This will enable you to narrow your search to treatment programs that align with those factors.

Factors to Consider When Looking for Treatment Programs

When you are struggling with a substance abuse problem, it can be hard to think clearly and make good decisions for yourself. While looking for treatment options, having support from other people can be extremely helpful. You could consult with your primary healthcare provider, lean on a loved one for help, and seek advice from a professional SUD counselor. 

It is also important to look at practical and logistical factors that will affect your choice of treatment programs. You can ask yourself these questions when considering your needs: 

  • Which centers treat my particular SUD?
  • Can I travel to a treatment program that is outside my local area?
  • Am I able to take time away from work, school, or other daily responsibilities to attend treatment?
  • What length of time can I commit to a treatment program? 

The answers to these questions can help you narrow down your search for a treatment program significantly. Once you have settled on what treatment options can be accommodated into your lifestyle, you can begin to look at other factors that may affect your decision. 

For many people, the cost of treatment is a significant factor to consider. The price of different treatment programs can vary drastically depending on many factors, including location, services provided, and exclusivity. If you have private insurance or Medicaid, you’ll need to make sure that you find a treatment center that accepts your insurance

Malibu Wellness Ranch

Malibu Wellness Ranch is one of the most unique treatment centers that also accepts Medicaid. With 800 acres in the Pocono Mountains, our facility is surrounded by beautiful scenery. Along with the best individual and group therapies, we offer our clients access to a variety of outdoor recreational activities.

Our clients begin their stay by entering our medical detox unit. We ensure that the first experience our clients have with us is a safe one. Under the close supervision of our doctors and nurses, we help our clients manage withdrawal symptoms as comfortably as possible. We use medications as necessary while also allowing our clients to give their minds and bodies the rest and nutrition they need.  

Once our clients are safely through detox, they enter the residential portion of our treatment program. While in residential treatment, our clients will be assigned a primary counselor to help them develop an individual treatment plan. Clients meet weekly with their counselor to discuss their goals and progress.

Malibu’s Outdoor Amenities

Our amazing facility allows us to offer our clients access to a variety of outdoor recreational activities. We want our clients to improve their physical wellness while also making healthy social connections and learning to enjoy life again. Along with a fitness center with an indoor swimming pool, our clients can enjoy activities like:

  • ATVs/quads/snowmobiling
  • Paddle boats
  • Archery
  • White water rafting
  • Hiking
  • Fishing
  • Sledding
  • Mini Golf

These recreational activities can also be utilized for adventure therapy. During an adventure therapy experience, our clients learn problem-solving skills, communication, and teamwork. They also have the opportunity to work with a therapist to work through difficult emotions and debrief about the entire experience afterward. 

Our equine program is one of the experiences we are most proud to offer our clients. When a new client arrives at the ranch, they are paired with a horse that they will work with and care for during their stay. They will work closely with their horse, bonding and learning various life skills. 

Clients are also able to ride with their horses and enjoy the beautiful landscape of Malibu Wellness Ranch. By bonding with the horses and opening themselves up to new experiences, they will experience healing and develop the skills they need for long-term recovery.


Finding a substance abuse treatment program that is the right fit for all of your needs can be tricky. Defining your personal goals and understanding your practical needs can help you narrow down your options. At Malibu Wellness Ranch, we work hard to give our clients the best clinical services designed to treat substance use disorders (SUDs). We are also proud to offer our clients a variety of amazing recreational experiences that can help them make lasting social connections and rediscover how to find joy in life without the use of substances. For more information on our unique facility and services, call us at (800) 862-5428 to speak with one of our compassionate team members.